Welcome to Magnolia Station
HI There! Come on in and look around. You just might find something you like!My name is Melissa, come meet the Family . My daughter Jessica has her very own home on the web. Yes! those girls like to have fun! Joshua has a page coming, we are still searching for graphics that he approves of. I found a wonderful place here on the internet to take online classes. At
Virtual Universitylearn how to build these pages. It's a lot of fun. Look at some of the Primtive Folk Art work that I do. Meet Cooler our Black Lab.You will also find all of my Favorite Links on my Family page.My latest obsession has been Paint Shop Pro5. I love this program! Right now I am trying to create my own graphics. Free Primitive Country Graphics. Like everything else we do, practice makes perfect so this time next year, hopefully I will be satisfied with what I have created.Maybe you will find something you like!These pages were update June 25,1999.
Ft. Benning, Ga is where we call home. My husband Tom is a Battalion Commander at The United States Army School of Americas.The school provides training and education to Latin American soldiers ,police and civilians.We have soldiers and their families from 16 Latin American countries here, either attending classes or serving as Guest Instructors. After being here for 8 months the kids and I have decided it is time to learn Spanish. We started classes this week!Think you would like to learn Spanish? Check out Learn Spanish:A Free Online Tutorial I will probably be spending a lot of time there! Visit my Our Army Family page. If you are about to relocate, you will find links there to installations all over the world. Tips on how I survive the move. Another Coffee? What can we do?.
Primitive Gals my favorite place on the internet. This is more than just a Bulletin Board, I have made life long friends there. The link will take you to the Delphi Log In. You will have to join, but it is free. Once there, type in Primitive and Rustic Country Gals and come have some fun! If you like Primitive Crafts and Antiques, this is definitely the place to be. I help host this BB, and I am proud to say that we were rated one of the Top 10 out of over 250,000 BB's that Delphi sponsors.

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Magnolia Station Created Jan.1999

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